I’m Going to Fill You In On a Little Secret!

Since posting my progress photo on Facebook I have had a few people message me saying ‘Wow you are looking great, what’s your secret?’ or ‘what do you use to motivate you?’
Now, I am certainly the type of person who likes to help and motivate others. But I truly believe that if you can’t motivate yourself you aren’t going to get the results you want and if you do they certainly wont last.

What motivates me is the changes I see not only in my body, but in my health and fitness. My life in general is better. I make better choices and I am happier. I have more energy and more confidence. Inspiring others to change their lives motivates me.

Now, for the secret…


That is it. My secret to success.
I work hard. I go to the gym six days a week, work my ass off for 1-2 hours every time. I eat well. I keep track of my food intake. I don’t obsessively count calories but I certainly don’t eat more food just because I haven’t eaten a certain amount for that day.

I stick to my food schedule. I am meticulous when it comes to food times. I wake up at 7am every morning just so I can keep my food on track for the day. Earlier is fine, but never later than 7:30 otherwise I struggle to eat at the right times. I can’t remember the last time I had fried food, and to be honest it doesn’t even appeal to me. The smell of fried food now makes me ill.

I listen to what Superman tells me. I research things if I don’t understand them. I research things just for fun and to improve myself each time.

Most of all, I keep trying, even when I am struggling.
Winners never quit, and I will be a winner.

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